Kristin Jones

Charity health care hard to come by for undocumented immigrants

Eduardo Franco Ramirez was attacked so viciously by muggers near his home in Aurora in September 2013 that the police on the scene thought he had died. The Guatemalan constructio...

New drugs knock down cancer

Colorado hospital on leading edge of its treatment, cure

What to do about sexual assault in college?

Panel discusses systems in place to address the problem

Sex assault statistics tell varying stories

Experts say data can be misread, create confusion

Does ADA apply when police arrest mentally ill?

High court to hear Calif. case

Rape kits hard to find for students

Colleges: Costs too high for offering exams on campus

Shootings data show racial divide

Inequality in treatment of minorities, group says

Rape kits hard to find for students

Colleges: Costs too high for offering exams on campus

Sepsis can turn hospital visit deadly

In Colorado, 12,000 people expected to contract it this year

High-profile suicide highlights Colorado public-health problem

State ranks above national average

Cure for hepatitis C out of reach?

At $1,000 a pill, treatment too pricey for Colorado Medicaid and its patients

Seclusion, restraint ineffective, state says

Analysis shows racial difference in treating mental-health issues