Mike Smedley
Position: Staff reporter

Multi modal plan could put bikes, elk on equal footing

Traveling up County Road 211 toward Lake Nighthorse, I’m always amused at this “Share the Road” sign. If I come upon one of these wapiti, must I allow the same 3-foot buffer afforded to cycl...

‘Dr. Seuss’ vine trumps trail’s trees and bushes

There appears to be an invasive vine engulfing entire trees and shrubbery on parts of the Animas River Trail. It bloomed with pretty white flowers, but now it has seed heads that look like ...

Halloween in August could be a trick or a treat

I was heading into south City Market and something literally stopped me in my tracks. Some workers were putting ceramic jack-o’-lanterns out for sale. It’s not even Labor Day and we’re getti...

Offer to purchase Arc might hit a steel wall

I need your help! Who could I contact at the city to purchase the Arc of History? I would like to put it in my front yard, as it will compliment my home quite nicely. I am actually serious...

Action Line: Recreation and sanitation mingle at park bench

You need to check this out. By the “Demon Bridge” across from the Fairgrounds, there’s this bench overlooking the Animas River. Thing is, the bench was installed right next to a sewer vent. ...

‪Durango profoundly at risk for highfalutin hooey

Here’s a question of utmost importance to Durango: Does “wholeness quiet infinite phenomena?” I believe that your readers have a need to know. Keep up the important work and send my regards ...

Lack of music reigns on Durango’s July 4th parade

I’m as patriotic as the next Western liberal intellectual. But I found myself uninspired by Durango’s Fourth of July parade. There was one tiny band, few floats that demonstrated any vision ...

On the Animas River Trail, seepage may prompt city to spring into action

I love our Animas River Trail and travel on it daily. But two things are bothering me. First, what’s up with the water seep behind the high school? Its appearance certainly coincided with th...

City arborist gets a plum assignment on Florida Road

Why did the city cut down the rows of trees in the Florida Road median? They left these rows of ugly 3-foot-tall stumps. Is the city taking landscaping lessons from the Colorado Department o...

Downtown decks the halls for the Fourth of July

Check out the Ninth Street entrance to the offices above the Irish Embassy. The window features a painted poinsettia from Christmas. Does the downtown Business Improvement District have rule...

Podiums ‘teaming’ with winners who didn’t medal

When I was a high jumper in junior high, high school and college, the winners’ podium had a spot for first-, second- and third-place finishers. Now I read of athletes in several sports placi...

Action line takes hit for incorrect guidance right-hand turns

Talk about a bum steer. Several members of the motoring public admonished Action Line for providing incorrect guidance in last week’s column. Normally, Action Line admi...