Sarah Silvernail
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4566

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The gift of R.E. Hutchinson for remembering faces enabled him to recover an $8 mackinaw coat stolen from the Stroebel and Hutchinson cigar store, and resulted in the arrest o...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “City Manager Hood has had a force of men busy putting in the new pipeline to connect up the west side of the No. 1 reservoir with the supply pipe.” 75 years ago: “...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “It is understood that negotiations are on for the sale by Mart Bushnell of the Electric Theatre to Barney Soloman.” 75 years ago: “Joining with the rest of Durango...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Some of the boys are bemoaning their fate, that it is only 41 days until Colorado will begin to be ruined by prohibition.” 75 years ago: “If the date of Thanksgivi...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “William Shea, proprietor of the Trimble Springs Motel, recently purchased the Ernest Campbell ranch in the Animas Valley.” 75 years ago: “Ross Barry, whose applica...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The City Council was regaled by a spread thrown by Fire Chief Dietrich, City Manger Hood and City Clerk Myers. The feast consisted of oyster stew, celery, spring onions, pick...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Don’t overlook the last day of demonstration at the F.R. Graham hardware store today – Cole’s heaters and kitchen ranges. Just what the wife wants for Christmas.” ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Yesterday was a busy day in Durango stores. Although the roads are in bad condition, there were many buyers in the city. The sudden change in temperature has made a brisk dem...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Weather Observer James reports that the temperature yesterday morning at 5:30 registered 14 degrees above zero. The weather forecast offers little relief from the present col...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Every mining camp in the state reports increased activity, and it is only a question of time until the improved oil flotation process will have worked wonders for the mining ...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “This week’s Leslie’s Weekly contains an excellent picture of Dr. J. Walter Fewkes and wife. Fewkes’ work at Mesa Verde ruins is spoken of in a highly complementary article ac...

And the West is History

100 years ago: “The county jail has had a week’s rest and there is still no prisoner in the strong box. Harry Hiatt, the only prisoner at present, is confined in the insane ward at the court...