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It’s time to do hard things

If you want to move more effectively toward achieving better health, then almost always this means getting uncomfortable and doing hard things. Have you ever started down a path to create a...

Your cholesterol numbers and weight loss

Cholesterol, found in our blood and in the food we eat, is a misunderstood compound that we have been instructed and cautioned for decades to fear. We have been told that if we eat choleste...

The most important meal

Breakfast has been touted as the most important meal of the day, however, research shows this isn’t actually true. This was simply a marketing claim created by Kellogg in the 1800s to sell t...

Why do I keep getting fatter?

With each passing day our bodies change before our very eyes. One day, we look in the mirror and our jaw drops in disbelief. “Who the heck is that and where did that belly come from?!” we sa...

Busting common weight-loss myths

The New Year is here, which means so are the resolutions to improve ourselves and our well-being. I wanted to take a few moments to dispel some common weight-loss myths so that we can collap...

Cheating and ‘diet culture’

The notion of “cheating” when adopting healthier eating habits that serve us better creates a trap of self-sabotage that many of us fall into and then justify with some elaborate, sophistica...

Trouble losing weight? Maybe it’s stress

For years, research has revealed that stress significantly impacts our bodies and our health; from a metabolic standpoint stress impacts our body’s ability to achieve peak health. For examp...

Right mindset, right action, right reward

Making the decision to do something differently is hard, but following through with your decision to do so is really the most challenging part. For example, making the decision to lose weig...

Hypoglycemic or hypochondriac?

Bipolar, depression, mania, anxiety, fatigue, headaches, psychotic-like episodes, brain-fog, temper outbursts, panic attacks, excessive mood swings. All of these symptoms are difficult to li...

Say goodbye to sugar wrinkles

Say what? A new Botox procedure? Not quite. While we all know that sugar plays a significant role in weight gain and many diseases that significantly impact our health, such as Type 2 diabet...

How low sodium diets may increase health risks

Salt’s value has changed with the industrial revolution, but it still plays a very important role in our individual health. Salt has been used as currency. Roads and cities have been formed...

Seven tips toward a better diet for your kids

Let’s be real, feeding kids is tough! I’ve realized from firsthand experience with my three little ones that the goal here cannot be perfection. Through much trial and error, I ha...