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Clinton is the only qualified candidate in the race for president

There are three reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton and each should be reason enough. Taken together, they are overwhelming.

For starters, Clinton is highly qualified. Second, the only other person with a mathematical chance of winning is not. And third, that person is Donald Trump – and he has shown by word and deed that he not only lacks the requisite attributes to be president, but that he should be positively disqualified.

Hillary Clinton will come to the office as well prepared to be president as anyone in decades. She has spent a lifetime in public service and experienced firsthand all levels of government. She has shaped and worked with public policy and personally known generations of leaders.

Moreover, she is battle-hardened. Hillary has been subjected to more scrutiny – and more abuse – than perhaps any figure in American politics. There is no chance of her buckling under the pressure of the office.

That is not to say Hillary is without faults. She should be more transparent, more open and less guarded. There is also an air about her candidacy that she is the nominee just because it is her turn.

But the perfect cannot be the enemy of the good – particularly when the real-world alternative is neither. Donald Trump is not merely lacking Clinton’s experience in government, he has repeatedly shown that he is wholly unqualified intellectually, emotionally and temperamentally. He is devoid of self-discipline, lacks impulse control and has no respect for the normal limits of polite society.

The most strident criticism of Trump has come from the right. Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer, a board-certified psychiatrist, has all but diagnosed Trump as having a personality disorder. His Washington Post colleague, George Will – a Republican since 1964 – quit the party over Trump’s nomination and described the GOP standard bearer as an “arrested-development adolescent” with a “deranged sense of entitlement.” And, in August, 50 former national security officials, all of whom served in Republican administrations, signed a letter that said if elected “he would be the most reckless president in American history.”

Americans should not risk that. Vote for Hillary Clinton.

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