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Gabriella Boston

How to keep working out on vacation

It’s vacation season, and we all agree we should take a break from work. But that doesn’t mean we should take a break from working out. Working out is a great habit that, once broken, can be...

Overtraining is a real danger, even if you’re not an elite athlete. Know the signs.

Everyone knows that exercise in general makes you happier, stronger and more energetic. We hear it ad nauseam, especially this time of year. But what if fitness did the very oppos...

How to make that morning workout routine a reality

You’d probably love to be one of those people who consistently exercise after work. But life gets in the way – kids, work, social commitments – and your daily fitness routine goes out the wi...

Poor posture at work? It’s time to straighten up

Forward head, slumping shoulders, tilted pelvis. Sound like the Hunchback of Notre Dame in 15th-century Paris? Maybe, or just your average Joe and Jane glued to their cellphones a...

Step away from the scale: It’s not all about how much weight you lose

You made the fitness resolution while raising your glass of bubbly on New Year’s Eve, and you’ve worked out three times a week for more than a month. But the scale. Is. Not. Budging. ...

10 ways to beat holiday stress with fitness, nutrition

They’re here: The holidays with their cheer and charm on the one hand and their chaos and crazy on the other. There are the many tasty but way-too-caloric meals, sweet and overbea...

The fad that won’t fade

Body-weight exercises build strength, balance and coordination

When sleep suffers, so do grades

Tired teens can underperform in many ways

Be a smart cookie

Strategies to savor holiday treats without overindulging