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Kim Painter

Beware of the ducks!!

We are, quite possibly, a nation increasingly afraid of the park – or, more precisely, the creatures that live there. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reported last week that ma...

Life expectancy up worldwide

U.S. doesn’t show up on top-10 list

All that bickering may do you in

Frequent fighters more likely to die in mid-life

Maternal deaths rise in the U.S.

What can be done about it at all?

Health conspiracy theories are widely believed

Is the FDA hiding a cancer cure? Many think so

Beware weekend heart attacks

Risk of death higher then and at night

Does age, experience matter?

Learning curve has biggest influence in ultrarunning

Drink much? Doctors rarely ask

CDC pushes for regular screening and counseling

Being bilingual may delay dementia

The latest evidence that speaking more than one language is a very good thing for our brains comes from a study finding dementia develops years later in bilingual people than in people who s...

Report gives U.S. reason to smile

Americans are not the happiest people on Earth, but we do rank a respectable No. 17, among 156 countries evaluate U.N. report. The second annual World Happiness Report, released M...

Sunscreen slows skin aging, new study shows

A new study from Australia provides the strongest evidence yet that regular sunscreen use helps keep skin looking younger. While dermatologists have long believed sunscreen fights...

Why you don’t want to drink pool water

Here’s a good reason never to swallow water from a swimming pool: A new study found telltale signs of feces in more than half of pools sampled in Atlanta last summer. The problem ...