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Here’s the money advice I’d leave to my grandkids

We are living in the gig economy. Many of us work part time or on projects, provide a service or own a small business. Each of these is temporary, but they shape who we are. Writing Money Sa...

To achieve your goals, you need to build habits that work

Right now, I’m leading a month-long Whatever It Takes program designed to foster habits that lead to goal achievement. Personally, the practices I’m building are: Reading at leas...

Figure out your financial priorities

A reader recently asked, “How do I figure out my financial priorities?” That got me thinking about 2019. For me, 2019 holds culinary school tuition payments; deciding where to live in Portla...

Making the tiny move ... and you can too

I’m living in a 350-square-foot tiny home in Portland, Oregon, with Cheri and our dog and cat. It’s 19 feet by 11 feet with a small loft. It has a complete kitchen – stove, oven, fridge, mic...

Plan now to make retirement meaningful

The good news is that a typical retirement allows for seven hours of leisure activity each day. The bad news is that, according to U.S. News & World Report, the average retiree uses more tha...

Simple strategies to save for your next vacation

My partner, Cheri, texted me a page from a Life Hack daily calendar with the premise that if Americans weren’t too lazy to cook, we could afford plane tickets to exotic travel destinations. ...

Prepare now to reduce holiday stress

Will you be ready for Black Friday? How about Thanksgiving, Hanukkah or Christmas? “The holidays are filled with both joy and stress,” says Ellen Braaten, associate professor of ...

How to end financial chaos and worry

“I’m worried about money,” a friend confessed to me the other day. I assured her that she’s not alone, and neither are you if you’re worried about money. A recent survey by Varo revealed tha...

You vs. the grocery store

Your grocery store and the brands it sells are out to shape your behavior, to pull as many dollars out of your pocket as possible. Yes, much of what retail marketers do increases...

How to help your future self

We’ve come to the final column in this 12-part series about taking control of yourmoney and living the life of your dreams. As you know by now, the benefits of improving your fina...

Stay on the path toward achieving your dreams

I’ve got a confession. I’m terrible at finishing things. This is the third time I’ve started this column! I bet you also have a long list of unfinished projects and ideas. As we n...

Don’t put your dreams on hold

Like many of us, I have been guilty of saying “someday” to my dreams and endangering my financial well-being. You’ll know that you’re doing this too, if you: Don’t ...