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Scientists still don’t know how dogs became dogs – but they might be close to finding out

You might know that the German shepherd curled up at the foot of your bed – and even the English terrier yipping in the yard next door – descended from wolves. You might also know that dogs ...

A better twist on tornadoes?

System may help forecasters provide earlier warnings of deadly twisters

Studies support fears about sea levels

Oceans rising at fastest pace in centuries

Horniest dinosaurs may have been the sexiest, too

Scientists analyzing dinosaur fossils believe they’ve figured out why some had cumbersome horns and frills: to attract mates. The data offer support for the theory “that these fea...

El Niño to linger around for awhile longer

Meteorologists say weather system is weakening

Ancient flower species found locked in amber

Anyone who has seen “Jurassic Park” knows that all manner of organisms can end up trapped in amber – preserved in hardened tree resin, waiting for scientists to unlock their secrets millions...

Can mighty cockroach come to the rescue?

Insect’s special abilities inspire ideas for disaster-rescue robots

Neanderthal DNA may increase risk of depression

NEW YORK – A new study says a person’s risk of becoming depressed or hooked on smoking may be influenced by DNA inherited from Neanderthals. Researchers found evidence that one bi...

Astronomers discover rare ‘skinny’ black hole

KISSIMMEE, Fla. – An astrophysicist has discovered something even rarer than a double-black hole galaxy: a skinny black hole. The University of Colorado at Boulder’s Julie Comerfo...

Schizophrenia finding causes excitement

Study gives peek into possible cause of disease

Amount of man-made heat the oceans are absorbing is rising

Study raises alarms about how much heat seas are absorbing

Superheavy elements add some heft to periodic table

While you were off celebrating the holidays, the periodic table got a little more complete. Four newly discovered elements managed to squeak their way in just before the end of 2015, filling...