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Southwest Life Health And the West is History Community Travel

And the West is History

100 years ago: “Clearing of railroad lines of immediate benefit to San Juan snowbound towns for food and fuel. Smelter gets busy clearing away enormous amount of ore which had been held up for a month – 54 carloads arrive in Durango within 48 hours after traffic is resumed.”

75 years ago: “Sound pictures of the last national American Legion Convention at Chicago will be shown at the Masonic Hall to all members of the Trujillo-Sheets post here and their friends.”

50 years ago: “Don Schlichting, assistant to the publishers of the Herald, and Rex Helmick, plant superintendant, left for two weeks in New York City. They are attending Fairchild School in Plainview, Long Island, in preparation for the opening of the new Herald plant next fall.”

25 years ago: “Burglars used radio transmitters and code words from Dungeons and Dragons fantasy games to avoid police during recent break-ins, said police who arrested four suspects in a raid. Burglaries at Riverview and Mason elementary schools, Americana Beauty College and Trimble Hot Springs were solved by the arrests. In the burglaries, a lookout equipped with a voice-activated radio transmitter would be able to alert accomplices inside who wore battery-powered headsets.”

Most items in this column are taken from Herald archives, Center of Southwest Studies and Animas Museum. Their accuracy may not be verified.

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