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AP climate stories are opinion, not fact

The Associated Press presented yet another article in a long series of one-sided, climate-doom articles with the “West will get hotter, drier” story (Herald, Feb. 13). Just recently, the Herald posted another story claiming that 2014 was the hottest year on record. Unreported by the Herald was the hasty back-stroke from “scientists” behind the study: Turns out that, in reality, 2014 was no hotter than 2005 or 2010. The AP’s latest advocacy article disguised as journalism says the West will be hotter and drier but neglects to mention that this prediction is based on mathematical climate models, which have already been shown to be incorrect in their predictions. So the output from failed climate models was injected into an untested, drought-prediction model to sum up with the declarative statements in AP stories.

Seriously, I realize that the goal is to keep the uninformed liberal voters in the dark about what is really happening in the world, but can’t we occasionally get some objective news out of the Herald and the AP?

Mike Sigman


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