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‘Capitalism works, socialism doesn’t’

Too many times, I hear or read of people referring to socialism as a system to which the U.S .should turn. Often cited examples of successful socialist countries include the Nordic nations. However, this is a fallacy on old data and a prior way of governance, which these countries have since abandoned.

According to an article, “Nordic countries aren’t actually socialist,” by Nima Sanandaji on foreignpolicy.com: “Nordic nations – and especially Sweden – did embrace socialism between around 1970 and 1990. During the past 30 years, however, both conservative and social democratic-led governments have moved toward the center. Today, the Nordic social Democrats have adopted stricter immigration policies, tightened eligibility requirements for welfare benefit systems, taken a tougher stance on crime and carried out business-friendly policies.”

If the above quote sounds familiar, it’s because that is the nation the U.S. has always been. We don’t need to revisit what the Nordic nations have already learned – socialism doesn’t work.

We can and should limit immigration to what is feasible for the opportunities we have here. We can and should be a generous society to those in need, while still requiring able-bodied/-minded people to do some work in order to continue receiving some welfare benefits.

We can and should put people in prison for crimes they have committed. We can and should allow the free market to continue the prosperity of this nation, and not overregulate businesses, especially small businesses, which impedes prosperity.

Capitalism works.

Diana Snodgrass
