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Crane, Phelps families thank communities

Thank you to Stephanie Dennison, a teacher at Bayfield Middle School.

You have done so many wonderful things for Aria Crane since her cancer came back. Taking the time to go walk with Aria, her family and friends, was such a wonderful memory for her. The money collected for this walk went directly to Brent's Place, where Aria and her family stay in Denver.

Thank you also to the people of Ignacio and Bayfield for all of the prayers and donations. Both Ignacio and Bayfield schools have helped so much. If you would like to send cards to Aria, please send them to Aria Crane, c/o Kay Phelps, 1048 N. Oak Drive, Bayfield CO 81122

Bless you all.

Kay Phelps and the Crane and Phelps families
