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Derailers roller derby demolishes El Paso Tex Pistols

Durango Derailers cruise to a comfortable win at home rink

Someone forgot to load the Tex Pistols.

The Durango Derailers roller derby team left El Paso behind early in a 466-32 win Saturday at Chapman Hill.

Kill Eatcha, aka Kalisha Crossland, set the tone at the first jam, racing out to a 19-2 lead and using the entire 2-minute jam clock.

The first jammer through the pack, called the lead jammer, can end a jam before those two minutes have passed to prevent the other team from scoring, but the Durango Roller Girls’ blockers were doing such a good job of holding the Tex Pistols’ jammer back that the DRG decided to let it ride.

“Even though she was on her scoring pass, we felt good about our ability to hold her,” said DRG bench coach Devin Hencmann, aka D-Bone.

Durango’s blockers only allowed El Paso to lead 4-of-35 jams.

Bad Czech Bohaty, also known as Vanessa Bohaty, delivered a vicious hit early that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell may have issued a fine for.

“Our blocks are pretty calculated. We work pretty hard to perfect them,” Bohaty said. “They’re not always beautiful, sometimes they’re quite sloppy. It feels great when you can actually deliver a good, efficient hit.”

In the other 31 jams, five different DRG jammers racked up the points.

Bohaty, Eicherumba, Jesstroyer and Kim Jen Illin’ joined Kill Eatcha in dissecting the Tex Pistols defense.

They staked the Derailers to a 219-20 lead at the half and kept the pressure on to the end.

“We had to outscore them at least seven to one to keep our rankings where they are right now,” said Jesstroyer, also known as Jessica Schum. “To do that, we had to score a ton of points. We were waiting until the opposing jammer made the initial pass to call it off because she can’t score points until she gets out on that initial pass.”

The 434-point margin of victory may seem excessive, but that’s what’s necessary in the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association to move up the rankings.

And the Derailers want to move up from the 179th spot they currently occupy.

“That’s exactly why we were pushing it as hard as we could to score as much as we could,” Hencmann said. “When we go to tournaments, we’ll be seeded depending on that ranking.”

After back-to-back bout Saturdays at Chapman Hill, the DRG will have a long break until its next competition.

They play the Ark Valley High Rollers at 7 p.m. July 18.

“We are going to play one of our favorite competitions,” Bohaty said. “We’re going to keep perfecting on what we already work on - we’re working on our formations, delivering effective hits and our jamming effectiveness against bigger girls. Salida is big, they’re a big group of girls.”

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