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Don’t be ‘fooled’ by Boebert

Having barely won re-election, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert will need strong support from moderate Republicans and some Independents to stay in office. This being the case, her handlers may encourage her to dial down her childish antics and act more like an adult legislator. If she does, and that’s a big “if,” no one should be fooled.

During two terms in office, she’s focused most of her energy on bringing attention to herself, filling the Twittersphere with outrageous tweets and conducting cringe-worthy public performances. Instances of embarrassing behavior pile up high – interrupting a State of the Union address with middle school shrieks; proclaiming the separation of church and state to be “junk”; asserting Durango puts litter boxes in schools for children who identify as cats; and much more.

Her hypocrisy is monumental – raging against the corrupt “swamp,” she and her previously-unemployed-oilfield-worker-soon-to-be-ex-husband accepted nearly a million dollars from an energy company with interests in the district. The word for this is “graft.”

Most importantly, Boebert has consistently voted against our district’s interests. She voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which is investing in our roads and bridges, and expanding broadband access in rural areas. She voted against appropriations bills in 2022 and 2023 that provided funds for things like water conservation and rural community health centers.

Our district deserves to be represented by a serious and thoughtful person, interested in working with others to help solve the nation’s most serious problems. Boebert will never be that person.

Herb Bowman
