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Get with Durango’s program or go home

What is going on in Durango with all these out-of-state people moving here? I mean it’s totally ridiculous that most of them have no money, no jobs, no housing and spend most of their time at the community shelter, soup kitchen, social services, etc. The people who have vehicles and licenses don’t change over to Colorado licensing and take more from our community more than they give. Then, most of them just wind up back where they came from.

It pains me to see, as a local who has lived here most of my life, what is happening to Durango: homelessness, crime, lack of respect for our town, trash all over the place, etc. We are lucky to live in a town like this, out-of-towners shouldn’t blow things for those of us who have lived here all of our lives. We’ve paid our dues here.

You’re going to be here for two months; we’ve been here for 50 years or more. Either join the program or go back to where you came from. Don’t waste our time.

Joe Vigil


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