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Handling of letter shows Herald’s bias

How many more times will we be subjected to Mary Benson’s attack on state Sen. Ellen Roberts?

The Herald (or maybe the “Democrat” once again ) supposedly limits letters from any one individual to once a month. If the letter happens to be one in which Sen. Roberts is being “bashed,” those limits are completely ignored by the Herald editors.

The letter by Mary Benson published June 7 and June 14 was a definitely a “bashing” letter. The letter was identical except for some editing by the Herald editors. The title of the letter was changed to highlight additional biases of the editorial staff.

I’m sure that the liberal progressives of Durango, that the editors are intent on pleasing, will applaud this “mistake”; the rest of us will continue to be horribly disgusted with the flagrant bias of the Herald’s editorial staff.

Richard Scherer


Editor’s note: Reader Scherer is correct in saying the Herald limits letter writers to one letter per month. He is also correct that Mary Benson’s letter was published on June 7 and on June 14. That the letter was rerun, however, is not a reflection of political or ideological bias but of falibility. It was an error.

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