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I witnessed the dance of the snowplows

It was Wednesday (Feb. 27), the same day as garbage pick-up on my block. I heard the sounds of trucks and went out to move the dumpsters for the snow plows, thinking, “Wow! They’ve picked it up already?”

But when I got outside, I saw the giant snow plow and the trucks that haul the snow off. I watched for a while. It was a tightly choreographed experience, like a dance. They seemed to communicate with beeps and short honks.

Clearing the corner was especially interesting because the truck with the smaller plow worked with the giant one, scooping the snow toward the larger bucket and picking up whatever fell off. As soon as one truck was full, the other truck got in position.

The man who helped me move all dumpsters and recycling bins to the other side of the street so the plow could pick up the pile left by the last storm was really friendly. As we relocated dumpsters, he commented on my appreciation, saying that not everyone felt that way.

My two cents? If you can’t appreciate the dance of the snow plows put on for all members of the community – not just your tiny space – then perhaps you should get your own plow and do it yourself.

Pam Young
