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Letter: Furtney does what needs to be done

I’ve known Seth Furtney for 30 years. I have a story about him that illustrates his value.

Three of us were kayaking on a remote river. Through my own fault, I found myself in a precarious position. I was circulating in a high-walled chamber at the bottom of a waterfall. Holding my kayak, paddle and my breath for the next dunking under the falls, I wondered how in the world I would extricate myself.

After this continued for a few minutes, I was startled to see a hand reach down from the wall. Expecting a supernatural being, I looked up and saw Seth’s face. In no time, he pulled me and my equipment out.

I’ve been on many expeditions with Seth. He is the most dependable and capable individual I know. He does what needs to be done. He’s an invaluable member of a team, happily working with everybody.

His love of Durango is obvious and he does what he can to keep it wonderful. Since I’m not a resident of Durango, he can’t be my city councilor, but Durango will be lucky to have him.

Scott A. AmundsonOakland, Calif.