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Letter: Furtney thinks outside the box

Seth Furtney is the most prepared and experienced first-term candidate for City Council that I have seen in Durango.

The Herald notes that his excellent work and life experience and many years of volunteering in government have well prepared him for governance and City Council.

The reason I think Seth is unique is his habit of empathetic listening. He first listens and learns and changes his position as appropriate. As a representative of a diverse electorate this is imperative.

Curiosity, deep study and listening are what allows Seth to think outside the box as he did when he questioned the unnecessary and expensive bridge proposed on 32nd street. In this case he helped the city rethink, replan and save millions for us.

He also was the candidate who questioned the city’s decision to build the $80 million new Ridges Basin water treatment plant that now the engineering study demonstrated would be more expensive and inferior to updating the current plant.

His curiosity and enthusiasm are refreshing and wonderful. Let’s send Seth to City Council to represent all of us.

Michael Paine Durango