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Lions Club appreciates Santas, donors

The North Pole has sent a special message to the Bayfield Lions Club. Santa Claus would like to thank all his helpers in the Bayfield community. Santa would not be able to visit all the children in the area without your help! 

A special thanks to the following individuals: Mr. and Mrs. Scott Green, Bones Evers, Jon Robinson, Robert Mazur, Melanie Mazur, Steve Ford, Jacob Rhodes, Jay Rhodes, Charlie Martinez, Dave Johnson, Ben Harris and his teenage son. Santa would also like to Thank Lewis True Value, Mini Merc/ A&W, Dental Associates of the Southwest, The Grocery Store and Chief Evans and the Upper Pine Fire Department.

This tradition would not be possible without everyone mentioned and those of you who make a donation in our jars in the various locations around town. THANK YOU!!!

Phyllis Rhodes and the Bayfield Lions Club