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Lobby the city to move the sewer plant

I hope Durango City Council has not gone tone deaf about the need and costs of moving our sewer plant out of Santa Rita. I spend my share of time on the river. My kids played soccer at the park. I’ve attended concerts at River Days and have taken a bucket of chicken down to the bank to watch Corner Pocket Carnage during high water.

Santa Rita could really be an amazing community asset but it’s dominated by a stinking waste of precious acreage. Meanwhile, we will soon be asked to ante up for an improved airport that is completely fine (and I’m a gold-status frequent flier.)

This is the once-in-our-lifetime chance to fix this one. Chris Wilbur is a citizen-engineer whom I suspect understands the issues better than many councilors, and he is convinced that we can do better than leaving the plant in Santa Rita. Please consider sending the council an email and/or attend a meeting if that’s your style. Let’s get this moved out of this (potential) jewel of a park.

Richard Leavitt


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