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Need to keep hearing from left and right

The Durango Herald has been very open about posting letters from folks representing the left and the right. Kudos.

In every letter, no matter their perspective, they blame the other side for our country’s problems.

Here is a reality check for you, folks. We are all to blame: left and right. We keep electing leaders who are more interested in power than governing.

Governing is about dialog. Governing is about compromise. Lose a little. Win a little. This is the stuff that makes America great. It is not a zero-sum game. There is no winner-takes-all. This is America, where we give our consent to those who represent us to govern for us.

When are we going to drop this partisan BS and start talking again? When are we going to stop the blame game and realize we are the problem? When are we going to restore dialog and compromise to American politics?

It is not about winning! It is about doing what is best for our nation, and to discern that requires input from both the left and the right.

Rob Kolter
