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Phoenix sheriff pardoned by Trump hits the speaking circuit

Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio leaves the federal courthouse in Phoenix, Ariz. Arpaio, who was pardoned by President Donald Trump from his federal contempt-of-court conviction in an immigration case will return to the public speaking circuit in Las Vegas. However, security concerns prompted event planners to move Arpaio’s scheduled weekend appearance to an undisclosed location away from the casino-lined Strip tourist district.

LAS VEGAS – Former Sheriff Joe Arpaio is returning to the public speaking circuit after being pardoned by President Donald Trump following his federal contempt-of-court conviction in an immigration case.

Arpaio will receive a “Courage Under Fire” award this weekend in Las Vegas from a libertarian-conservative group.

But event planners have moved the appearance to an undisclosed location away from the Las Vegas Strip amid security concerns because his speech coincides with a big Mexican Independence Day city celebration on Saturday.

Arpaio is being hosted by Nevada political consultant and blogger Chuck Muth.

Muth says the decision to move the event was made after police and Tropicana Las Vegas Casino Hotel Resort executives discussed possible clashes involving Arpaio supporters and crowds drawn to the Mexican holiday events.