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Questions remain about Obamacare’s cost

Regarding the article by Chip Tuthill on Dec. 1; he makes a great case for the Affordable Care Act, of which I am wholly supportive. I, too, have found that my monthly premium will be reduced from $374 to $77 for basically the same coverage I now have, and I couldn’t be happier. I would encourage everyone to check out the website – connectforhealth.com – as it is very user-friendly. The application process was seamless, easy, and the subsidies are generous.

We in Colorado are extremely lucky to have this avenue for exploring our new health care choices. However, his numbers sounded a little too good to be true, and so I went back onto the connectforhealth.com website to explore the available plans more closely. I was unable to find any plan – Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum – that offered a $250 deductible, and a maximum out-of-pocket expense of $1,200, both of which Tuthill claimed were part of the Silver plan he purchased. In fact, there were no plans that had either one of these.

I would be most interested in such a plan – so where, Mr. Tuthill, do I find it? The closest I came was a Platinum plan with an annual deductible of $500 with an annual out-of-pocket expense of $1,500 – and the premium for this plan (without subsidies) is $1,500 per month! I qualify for a substantial subsidy, but even with it, this plan would cost me $900 per month. If the plan that you purchased exists, then please let us all know where and how to find it. If it does not, you are doing more harm than good by publishing erroneous figures that will only serve to disappoint people who are currently “shopping” for their own plans.

Jan Mayer


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