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Re-elect Jack Turner to the LPEA board

Each year, the La Plata Electric Association board election is becoming a more critical local election as our local rural electric cooperative faces many challenges from significant changes in the electric power industry.

A basic question for all of us is, what do we want to rely upon for our energy now and in the future?

The board of directors guides LPEA by developing policy, setting rates, providing budgetary oversight and holding the co-op as a whole accountable to its member/owners.

As we move into an era of increasing uncertainty about the sustainability of our reliance on coal-fired power, we need to elect directors that are preparing for a very different energy future than we have experienced in the past.

That is why I support Jack Turner for re-election to the LPEA board from District 4. Jack is committed to ensuring that LPEA is actively searching for ways to make our community more energy independent and helping to grow our local economy by fostering the growth of our renewable energy economy.

During his time as a board member, Jack has fought for sensible and fair rate structures, worked tirelessly to improve LPEA’s portfolio of renewable energy and consistently made sure that LPEA is accountable to its members.

Looking to the future is critical for the continued success of our co-op and Jack has the vision and track record to make sure we are heading in the right direction.

I urge all LPEA members to vote for Jack Turner in this election.

Tim Wheeler


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