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Relax, we’re making every vote count

I’d like to respond to E.T. Gwynn’s letter, “

Colorado has become the 12th state to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. This means our electoral votes will go to whichever candidate receives the most popular votes in the nation. Gwynn says this unconstitutionally tampers with the votes of Colorado citizens.

Our Founding Fathers did not think the public should vote on our president. They didn’t think the public was informed enough to make such decisions. Instead, they decided each state should have electors who vote for our president, exercising “independent judgment... deliberating with the most complete information available.”

Before long, the states decided citizens should vote for the president. Some said the electors should vote as the majority of the state’s voters, but in half the states the electors are not required to vote for the candidate the citizens vote for.

Doing away with the Electoral College is best for our country, and the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is a step in the right direction. Some states are strongly Democratic and some are Republican. If you are a Democrat in Texas, you are throwing your vote away with the Electoral College. If you are a Republican in California, you might as well stay home on election day.

Getting rid of the electoral college will make every vote count.

Dave Norman
