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Sen. Gardner should sponsor energy act

If Sen. Cory Gardner wants to broaden his appeal with Colorado’s growing ranks of moderate and unaffiliated voters, he should take an active leadership role in solving the challenges of climate change.

Recent surveys by Yale University show growing majorities of Coloradans think that global warming is happening and believe that Congress should do something about it.

Sen. Gardner has been a strong supporter of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, but research alone is not enough to deploy solutions at a scale that matches the scope and timeline of this looming danger.

Sen. Gardner differentiates himself from President Trump by rejecting the false choice of zero-sum politics. There are public policy options that would significantly reduce carbon pollution and support a vibrant economy, options that embody both conservative values and progressive values.

Americans say they would support a revenue-neutral carbon fee like the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. This bipartisan bill, introduced in both the House and the Senate last fall, would cut emissions by 40 percent and create 2.1 million new jobs within 12 years.

Many Americans now believe that future generations will be harmed by climate change – those are our children and our grandchildren. By sponsoring the act, Senator Gardner would show Colorado voters that he is willing to take on difficult issues, build consensus across party lines and lead our state and our nation to a healthier, more prosperous future.

Kathy Fackler
