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Vote Coram to ‘ditch divisive politics’

As the president of the Associated Students of Fort Lewis College and a registered Republican in Colorado's 3rd Congressional District, I am endorsing Don Coram in the Republican primary and encourage all eligible voters to cast their ballots for Coram in the June election.

U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s only approach to this campaign season is utilizing buzz words to fuel her ultra-MAGA base and ego, while neglecting the needs of her own constituents. Voters should see Coram as the last-chance effort to ditch the divisive politics we see in the 21st century, and elect a candidate who is willing to have difficult conversations and incorporate those conversations into meaningful bipartisan action on a federal level.

Voters should be voting by any means necessary to send Boebert out of office, following June’s primary election. The Democratic Party has no chance of taking Boebert’s seat in November, regardless of what candidate faces the GOP candidate. Voters should also be heavily considering the implications of redistricting, which will give CD-3 a further Republican lean than voters have seen in the past decade. CD-3 will remain a GOP-controlled seat for the foreseeable future and the only question is whether the voters of this district, Republican or not, will allow the harmful alt-right candidate Boebert to continue to represent them for years to come.

Carter Rogers
