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Vote for clean, local, renewable energy

I want to see LPEA explore options to increase renewable, clean energy, purchase renewable energy locally to help our economy, work toward lowering our electricity rates and protect our air and water. We need active board members who are willing to explore various options to achieve these results.

Britt Bassett (District 3) and Tim Wheeler (District 4) are committed to exploring options to increase LPEA’s use of locally generated renewable energy. This will help our local economy and help to decrease our electricity rates. The costs of renewable energy are decreasing rapidly.

Britt and Tim have valuable experience to bring to the LPEA Board. Britt has the experience of six years on the board. He is also an engineer and the owner of a solar company. Tim has experience working in the quickly changing technology industry, and has owned and operated a local business. Both Britt and Tim are thoughtful, careful, hardworking individuals, who will work for our best interests on the LPEA Board. I urge you to vote for Britt Bassett and Tim Wheeler.

Gail Harriss
