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We can build a solution that works for all

I have been filled with questions since the day the 416 Fire started: Will our home of nearly 100 years burn? What started the fire? What can be done to prevent another one? Who’s right?

Today while singing Stephen Schwartz’s song “Beautiful City,” my questions changed to ones of, what would make Durango and Silverton and the forest between the two a “Yes we can?”

The lyrics of the song go like this: “Out of the ruins and the rubble, Out of the smoke, Out of the night of struggle, Can we see a ray of hope?”

And the chorus goes like this: “We can build a beautiful city, Yes we can . . . Not a city of angels, But we can build a city of man.”

I believe there is a group of citizens that is organizing, looking for a solution – a way to build “a beautiful city” – that will give the railroad profit, that will pay employees well, that will bring a flourishing economy back to Durango and Silverton, and that will reduce fire danger and protect our health. I encourage those of you who love Durango, Silverton, the forest – I encourage Mr. Harper – to work together so that the DSNGR is a safe asset.

There are thoughtful ways, in every sense of the word, for us to care for each other.

Judy Kolz

Colorado Springs