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Wendt: ‘What a white knight!’

I first met Harrison Wendt at a fall folk festival in Pagosa Springs. I maybe got a little overexcited. Yes, it was after hours and the band was playing. I went into an area right by the stage that had a 1-foot fence with older people sitting in chairs, taking up this prime area closest to the band. I decided to enter that area, stand in a corner and quietly listen to the band, hardly even moving. I’m not a wild dancer and am a small person.

Well, someone in security at the festival asked me to leave the area and, since I was not bothering anyone (besides him), I decided to stay there. Not much later, I was literally tackled and thrown to the ground, held down and the police were called. I was shown to a bench outside that area, and asked to await my fate.

Needless to say, I was pretty mad, then who shows up? Harrison Wendt, a stranger to me, who was studying conflict resolution at Fort Lewis College. He held my hand to calm me down, and talked me through, being quiet and staying still. What a white knight! What a loving, giving person who offered help to an older woman, a complete stranger.

That was my first intro to Harrison. I’ve been a fan ever since. Please vote for him for City Council. With his leadership and hard working, diligent, caring nature, he will make a great councilor.

Julie Meadows
