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Where’s reporting on immigrant crime?

I’ve noticed some comments in the Durango Herald having to do with a group of people who are incensed that illegal immigrants are sometimes being met at the courthouse by U.S. immigration officials and then taken into custody.

Of course, articles in the Herald always refer to illegal immigrants as “immigrants” because using a neutral term hides the objective fact that we have a lot of people here illegally. Objective news? No.

But the interesting point is that there are illegal aliens here who are “going to court” ... that means that illegal immigrants may be committing crimes in our area. Why hasn’t the Durango Herald been publishing articles about illegal aliens and the crimes they’re committing?

Believe it or not, that type of information shouldn’t be withheld from the public: Not all the public citizens here are Democrats and some of us would like to know if people here illegally are committing crimes, what kind of crimes, and what is being done about it.

It would also be worthwhile to read why some people are trying to help the illegal immigrants avoid U.S. officials who are doing the jobs our laws call for.

Mike Sigman
