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Win or lose, we're proud of our basketball boys

The boys playing on the Bayfield basketball team have had three coaches in three years.

They had an 11-10 season.

They only had one league victory during the regular season.

They were ranked #28 in the 3A out of 32 teams that made it to last weekend's state playoffs.

They shouldn't be in this weekend's Great 8.

But they are.

Yesterday, they started their first state appearance in 29 years against Colorado Academy from Denver. I don't mean to stereotype, but I'm going to assume most of the kids at the academy have beaucoup bucks, play at basketball camps all summer because they don't have to work, and if there is a hole in the roster, the coach can go recruit from anywhere in Colorado, Wyoming or Nebraska to get the right player to come play in exchange for some pricey private school tuition.

That ain't the Bayfield Wolverines. They are farm kids and football players and they work hard to get good grades, and I can say for the most part, they are polite boys who will represent us well in the big city.

The winner of last night's game gets to play tonight against two more private academy teams.

Actually five out of the eight teams in the state finals are private schools. Bayfield, Alamosa and Brush are the only public schools, meaning kids who play there have to live in their school district.

Is this fair? Apparently the Colorado High School Activities Association thinks so. So we'll do our best against these big schools that recruit and hope for the best.

Anyway, I don't want that to detract from our boys' accomplishment. Making the Great 8 is an incredible feat, and I hope they know how proud we are of our teams and coaches.

Kudos as well, to Ignacio High School, making another repeat visit to state. It's more unusual when they DON'T make it. And I hope their girls join them in another repeat visit next year.

So lots of our neighbors have already left town to see the games, but if you can't make it to Pueblo or Golden, we are doing our best to keep folks updated on all of the scores, so please check our website and facebook pages for updates.

Good luck boys, and we know you will represent our towns well.