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Alicia A. Caldwell

Reports: White House intruder gets far past front door

WASHINGTON – The intruder who climbed a fence made it farther inside the White House than the Secret Service has publicly acknowledged, the Washington Post and New York Times newspapers repo...

U.S.: Most new immigrant families fail to report

WASHINGTON – For nearly three months this summer, the Obama administration carefully avoided answering questions about what happened to tens of thousands of immigrant families caught illegal...

Report: U.S. deportations falling to seven-year low

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is on pace this year to deport the fewest number of immigrants since at least 2007, even as he has postponed until after Election Day his promised unilate...

Congress considers review of police military gear

WASHINGTON – Lawmakers said Tuesday they were considering doing more to monitor and hold accountable police departments across the United States that obtain sophisticated military equipment ...

Obama move threatens action on immigration

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama’s latest attempt to pressure House Republicans to act on immigration legislation will backfire and make action harder, a House chairman said Thursday. ...

‘El Chapo’ won’t be in court soon

WASHINGTON – After 13 years on the run, narrow escapes from the military, law enforcement and rivals, Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman is back in Mexican custody. Now starts what is likely to be a ...

Obama relying more on immigration rule changes

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration will allow some relatives of U.S. service members living in the country illegally to stay, according to a policy directive issued Friday. The...

Secret Service investigating new allegations

WASHINGTON – More than 18 months after a prostitution scandal in South America rocked the Secret Service, the agency in charge of protecting the president is investigating another case of su...

Homeland Security pick couldn’t ‘refuse it’

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday nominated the Pentagon’s former top lawyer to help craft the nation’s counterterrorism policy as secretary of homeland security, suggesting a sh...

Boston chief: Wasn’t told FBI got Tsarnaev warning

WASHINGTON – The FBI did not initially share with Boston police the warnings it had received from Russia about one suspect in last month’s marathon bombings, despite the work of four city po...

U.S. orders new visa reviews for arriving students

WASHINGTON – The Homeland Security Department ordered border agents to verify that every international student who arrives in the U.S. has a valid student visa, according to an internal...