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Andrew Eversden

Sen. Cory Gardner’s feud with Attorney General Jeff Sessions cools

Colorado Republican releases holds on some Justice Department nominees

Colorado delegation mostly mum on gun control in wake of school shooting

Cory Gardner and Scott Tipton receive campaign funding from NRA

Colorado Senators Bennet and Gardner introduce immigration bill amendment

Compromise would provide pathway for Dreamers and border wall funding

Federal spending on rural health care is uncertain and rarely discussed

Regional hospitals provide critical services and are economic engines

With budget agreement in place, Gardner looks to focus on immigration

GOP lawmaker anxious to move past legislative spending battles

Sen. Cory Gardner says government shutdown ‘very, very slim’ this week

Senator’s comments made Wednesday in front of rural hospital advocates

U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton votes for temporary spending bill

Stopgap measure reauthorizes funding for rural health care

Trump highlights infrastructure in State of the Union speech

Bennet, Gardner agree that fixing roads and bridges is a priority

U.S. House passes Tipton bill to make rural banking more accessible

MOBILE Act allows electronic scans to set up accounts