Brenda Macon

Your favorite fall festival is here

What are a few of your favorite things? Forget raindrops on kittens or dashboards and mittens. I don’t remember how that old song goes, but I do know that Starbucks nailed it with pumpkin ev...

What it means to be well endowed ... as a nonprofit

Word on the street is that the Kardashian ladies have given up their top curves in favor of a more streamlined silhouette. I couldn’t care less, except that it brings up a titillating and in...

Don’t call it a mess – it’s creative chaos!

What kind of a person are you at home? Are you Oscar or Felix from the “Odd Couple”? Tidy or messy? Who do you think lives a more free or meaningful life? Think about it in advance as your c...

That’s garbaggio! Can you tell good art from bad?

Once upon a time, a very real boy in a very real ceramics class at an undisclosed school was proud of his work. Until one sad day his teacher showed the class his vase and loudly declared, “...

How to have a perfect Durango date

Whether you already have your soul mate or you’re out on your first date here in Durango, or even if you’re flying solo, there are great options in our town for making memories. My mother o...

Why pass it on? Your generosity matters

We all face this at one time or another: what to do with our “stuff.” Today, my friend closed a major life chapter by emptying her storage unit. Now in her 80s, she has let go of a lifetime...

Don’t you just hate live theater? The Grunch does, too

If you’re a curmudgeon, a cynic, or a righteous opponent of giggles, I invite you to the DAC theater this weekend to meet your spirit animal. “The Grunch” is being performed by our youth th...

‘That’s SO Durango!’ Upcoming exhibit showcases the quirks of a small mountain town

When you think of Durango, what comes to mind? How do you explain it to your friends from out of town? A special art exhibit is coming up that showcases the opinions of the community in an a...

DAC Member Exhibit is a Legacy Showcase

“Art is the proper task of life,” said the philosopher Friedrich Neitzsche. From Grandma Moses to Charlie Parker, we have countless examples of creators who, given a lifetime or a precious f...

Got the summertime blues? Art and theater are the cure

Yesterday, I was sitting outside the Durango Arts Center on a bench enjoying my lunch when a large family walked by. A little boy being dragged along by one hand pointed with the other into ...

Prepare to laugh: SCRIPTprov comes to Durango

“Take My Wife – Please!” Old school one-liner jokes like this are classic groaners and may prompt the proverbial cymbal crash cue in the back of your mind. I love kindergartener jokes: What...

Appreciating live theater makes you sexier

What two countries border the U. S.? How many amendments are there to the Constitution? Can you name all the U.S. presidents who have been assassinated? If you can answer any of these, you a...