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Charles Babington

Budget deal may signal era of tiny achievements

WASHINGTON – People hoping for a government that works better can’t decide whether to cheer or lament a bipartisan budget bill that legislative leaders call a breakthrough even as they ackno...

Governors’ Medicaid decisions vary across U.S.

Some Republican governors are not playing party politics

Democrats reach breaking point on filibusters

WASHINGTON – As Democrats watched Senate Republicans use filibuster powers to thwart more and more of President Barack Obama’s agenda and nominees, they wondered how much worse it could get....

GOP infighting fierce even in western strongholds

MONTPELIER, Idaho – Republicans have made the Mountain West a stronghold, which is why brewing party brawls in Wyoming, Idaho and Utah are bedeviling loyalists who yearn for GOP unity. ...

Health-care law’s troubles give GOP a boost

WASHINGTON – The health-care law’s seemingly endless problems are giving congressional Republicans a much-needed boost of energy, helping them to move past the government-shutdown debacle an...

Talks complicated by district lines

WASHINGTON – The government shutdown could last for many days or even weeks because politically safe lawmakers in both parties feel little pressure to compromise. Heavily gerryman...

House members: Shutdown better than ‘Obamacare’

WASHINGTON – More than a third of House Republicans urged their leader Thursday to trigger a government shutdown rather than fund the implementation of the health care overhaul they call “Ob...

GOP strategy for ’16 looks unsettled

Party rebels with stance on immigration