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Debra Van Winegarden

Hematite Basin: Lake, Flowers and Peaks

Hematite Basin provides satiating views, peak climbs

Oscar’s calls to those longing for high country

Views among the best in Colorado

Natural sandstone arches of New Mexico

Hidden gems lurk south of state line

Break out the hiking shoes at Barnroof Point

Half-day summit trip free of snow and mud

Sonoran super bloom at Mount Ajo, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Desert trail hike a border treasure

The treasure of Durango’s Hidden Valley hike

The locks are off: area finally open to public

Boulder Mail Trail a classic in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Escape to Utah’s canyon country

A realm of possibilities for climbing, hiking Lizard Head

Gripping and powerful wilderness area

North Perins Peak hike offers a solitary world

Trail only open four months of the year

Alpine passage connects Molas to Coal Bank

Peak wildflower season has hit in the high country

V2: Ice Lake Basin’s accessible thirteener

Blue water, magnificent peaks and an achievable summit

The great west block traverse of the La Plata Mountains

Connect Parrott Peak through to Madden, Star and Gibbs