Dick White
Position: Tag

COVID-19 created multiple tragedies

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated tragedy in at least four ways. The first and most obvious tragedy is the loss of human lives. The confirmed global death toll of 6 million grossly underco...

Our View: Sustainability

A world that can meet everyone’s needs would be more peaceful

Our View: TABOR revisited

Voters likely to see more referendums to mitigate negative fiscal consequences

Our View: Ranked choice voting

Selecting candidates this way could be a step toward bridging partisan divide

Our View: TABOR and education

The amendment has been a disaster for educating Colorado’s children

Our View: Patriotism

We must go beyond assertions of ‘fake news’ and seek facts to preserve our capacity to govern

Winter solstice: For millennia, cultures have celebrated the return of the light

The passage tomb at Newgrange in Ireland may be the most impressive winter solstice monument on Earth. Constructed about 5,200 years ago, before the Egyptian pyramids and even Stonehenge, t...

Our View: Enough is enough

More is not always better; give differently this year

Our View: A Thanksgiving invocation

Daily words of gratitude for the gifts of family, friends, food

Our View: Adapting to drought

Local stakeholders must cooperate to handle changing conditions

Our View: Climate and health

Unity is crucial in our fight against deadly threats of extreme heat, cold and storms

Our View: Bread of life

A sustainable food system includes buying locally, minimizing waste, helping the hungry