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Emily Yahr

TV was more diverse than ever last year — so why do Emmy nominations still look similar?

After a television season celebrated for diversity and exciting newcomers, the 2015 Emmy Award nominations ... look a lot like last year. And the year before that. While several b...

Trump's 'Apprentice' may never end: Behind the reality show that will not be stopped

You would think that Donald Trump announcing his run for president would finally mean the end of “Celebrity Apprentice.” You would be wrong. “We will re-evaluate Trump’s role as h...

Yes, ‘Bones’ still is on TV, along with other surprises

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ goes on without ‘McDreamy’

We’ll never see another ‘Parks’

“Parks and Recreation” ended for good on NBC on Tuesday night. It’s unfortunate for any fan of the sunny comedy, which seamlessly blended hilarity with deft political commentary. ...

7 shows you can binge watch this weekend

It’s a common frustration: During the TV season, you hear everybody talking about this great new TV show, but you’re so swamped with your regularly scheduled viewing that there’s no time to ...

Song mocking 'bro country' hits No. 1, and the bros aren't amused

“Girl in a Country Song,” the breakout first single from duo Maddie & Tae, just hit No. 1 on the Mediabase and Billboard country airplay charts this week. It’s cause for a lot of folks to ch...

'Birdman' and 'Boyhood' dominate SAG Awards film nominations

The Screen Actors Guild Awards: Sandwiched between the Golden Globes and the Oscars, it doesn’t get quite as much buzz. But it’s the first big show to hand out nominations and forecast poten...

Cosby refuses to address allegations

WASHINGTON – Bill Cosby, in the middle of a serious public relations crisis as accusations about him sexually assaulting women make headlines around the world, has decided to stay silent. ...