Ivan Moreno

Immigrants struggling for licenses in Colorado

Despite new law, obstacles thwart applicants’ efforts

Guv: Legislation on fracking crucial

DENVER – Gov. John Hickenlooper said Wednesday that legislation should result next year from a commission he has created to study hydraulic fracturing in Colorado. Hickenlooper ca...

116 new laws take effect today

Plumbing, paint, school safety, lottery tickets among them

Hickenlooper holds fundraising edge

DENVER – Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper has a fundraising edge against Republican gubernatorial challenger Bob Beauprez in their first month squaring off. Hickenlooper’s campai...

Immigrants now issued Colo. driver’s licenses

Legal status not an issue anymore

Top Colorado court halts gay marriages in Boulder

DENVER – Boulder County must stop issuing marriage licenses to gay couples while the Colorado Supreme Court considers an appeal from the state’s attorney general, justices said in a ruling T...

State high court halts gay marriages in Boulder

County clerk ‘disappointed’ but will comply

Gun law based on a flawed estimate

New background checks fall far short of projections

Governor: No special session on fracking

U.S. Rep. Jared Polis seeks tougher rules at ballot box

Beauprez even with Hickenlooper in new poll

Hickenlooper gets split approval rating

Audit questions credit-card use by History Colorado employees

DENVER – Employees at History Colorado have used staff credit cards meant for official functions to buy individual coffees and lunches, according to a state audit released Tuesday. ...

Colo. attorney general sues over gay marriage

DENVER – Colorado’s Republican attorney general on Thursday followed through with his threat to sue the Boulder County clerk for issuing same-sex marriage licenses. The lawsuit fr...