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Jake Coyle

‘Birdman’ swoops in, wins best film of year

LOS ANGELES – The long take of “Birdman” has stretched all the way to the Academy Awards, where the jazzy, surreal comedy about an actor fleeing his superhero past took Hollywood’s top honor...

Review: American Sniper

A mere six months after releasing the Four Seasons drama “Jersey Boys,” Clint Eastwood has again lapped his younger directing colleagues with his second film of 2014 and his best movie in ye...

‘Birdman,’ ‘Budapest’ top Oscar nominations with 9 nods each

‘Boyhood’ considered frontrunner for Best Picture

Review: The Interview

“The Interview” will go down as the satire that provoked an authoritarian dictatorship, roiled Sony Pictures in a massive hacking attack and prompted new questions of cyber warfare, corporat...

Review: Wild

Cheryl Strayed, as played by Reese Witherspoon in Jean-Marc Vallee’s “Wild,” is, bless the Lord, not an easily discernable type. She’s also not the sort we’ve often encountered o...

Merry Christmas, Mr. Kim

Sony agrees to release ‘The Interview’ after all

Angelina Jolie’s latest incarnation: filmmaker

NEW YORK – In a life that has been notable for its many metamorphoses – screen starlet, Goth vixen, United Nations ambassador, mother of six, breast cancer awareness advocate – Angelina Joli...

Sony announces limited release for ‘The Interview’

NEW YORK – Sony Pictures Entertainment announced Tuesday a limited theatrical release of “The Interview” beginning Thursday, putting back into the theaters the comedy that prompted an intern...

Review: The Hobbit

With a sum total of 1,032 minutes, Peter Jackson’s six J.R.R. Tolkien films have earned more than $5 billion worldwide. They have made New Zealand synonymous with Middle-earth. And they have...

How Kim Jong Un became the target of ‘The Interview’

NEW YORK – A few weeks ago, when a freshly stoned Seth Rogen sat down for a lunch interview about “The Interview,” the likelihood of trouble seemed remote. “You’re always hoping n...

Sony cancels ‘The Interview’ Dec. 25 release

NEW YORK – Under the threat of terrorist attacks from hackers and with the nation’s largest multiplex chains pulling the film from its screens, Sony Pictures Entertainment took the unprecede...

Review: Exodus

To what do we owe the second coming of the biblical epic? A genre that was once as moldy as stale communion wafers has been reborn this year, first with Darren Aronofsky’s “Noah” ...