Kristen Wyatt

State high court rebuffs school funding challenge

Judges decided the state can slash total education budget if “per-pupil funding” increases

Man accused of killing wife after eating pot changes plea

DENVER – A Denver man accused of eating marijuana-infused candy he bought at a legal pot shop and then killing his wife while she described her husband’s erratic behavior on a 911 call has c...

Quirk forces state to waive pot taxes for a day

Overall collected taxes exceeded projections

State rebrands anti-pot campaign for kids

DENVER – After legalizing recreational marijuana, the state of Colorado is now renewing efforts to get teens to stay away from it. Marijuana isn’t evil, but teens aren’t ready for...

State may ban ‘candy’ on pot

New marijuana symbol could be a stop-sign with ‘THC’ lettering

Bank bid goes to pot

Marijuana industry hopes for intervention

Latest pot industry opponents: Mites, mold

Marijuana industry wrestles with pesticides and safety

Nuggets’ Lawson enters alcohol rehab

DENVER – Denver Nuggets point guard Ty Lawson won’t face driving-under-the-influence charges in California and Colorado until completing a 30-day residential treatment program, a Denver judg...

PTSD ruled ineligible for medical marijuana

DENVER – Citing scant research, Colorado health officials voted Wednesday against adding post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of ailments eligible for treatment with medical marijuana....

Nuns lose health-care act battle

10th Circuit: Health reform doesn’t infringe on religious freedom

Lawsuits are friends of pot opponents

Novel legal approach uses racketeering laws to fight industry

GOP hopefuls deride gay-marriage decision

DENVER – Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee told conservatives Saturday that the Supreme Court tried to “unwrite the laws of nature and the laws of nature’s God” when it legalized...