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AMA: Pot use in pregnancy may pose risks

CHICAGO – Warning: Marijuana use during pregnancy and breast-feeding poses potential harms. That message would be written on medical and recreational marijuana products and poste...

Big study suggests steep drop in needless heart procedures

CHICAGO – Fewer heart patients are getting inappropriate angioplasties, a new study suggests. The analysis showed overuse of the common procedure to open clogged heart arteries ha...

Help for doctors’ suicidal thoughts

CHICAGO – Doctors-in-training face long, stressful hours, sleepless nights and a high risk of depression and suicidal thoughts, but often are too stoic and time-starved to seek help. A study...

Cancer group’s mammogram advice: Start later and get fewer

CHICAGO – The American Cancer Society now says women should start mammograms later in life and get fewer of them, a stance that puts the trusted group closer to an influential government tas...

Zip line popularity soars along with injuries, study finds

CHICAGO – Injuries from zip line accidents have soared along with the popularity of an activity that hurtles riders through the air, sometimes at dizzying heights above ground, a study of U....

Don’t get drunk: Advice college kids may not get from doctors

CHICAGO – Government researchers say “deplorably” few college students are warned by doctors about the danger from alcohol and drugs or encouraged to reduce drinking or substance use. ...

Txt msgs may lead to broad heart-linked benefits, study says

That’s the message in a study that suggests just four monthly text messages might spur health improvements for heart patients. The simple, heart-related advice led to substantial...

Half of U.S. adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes

CHICAGO – New research suggests that half of all U.S. adults have diabetes or pre-diabetes. The study of government health surveys echoes previous research and shows numbers inc...

Doctors recommend early exposure to prevent peanut allergies

CHICAGO – A pediatricians’ group is recommending that infants at high risk of peanut allergies be given foods containing peanuts before they turn 1. The interim guidance is in res...

Doctors recommend early exposure to prevent peanut allergies

The interim guidance is in response to a major allergy study published earlier this year that found that exposure to peanuts in infancy seemed to help build tolerance – contrary to conventio...

Teen e-cigarette use is tied to later smoking

CHICAGO – Teens who use e-cigarettes are more likely than others to later smoke conventional cigarettes and other tobacco products, a study at 10 Los Angeles high schools suggests. ...

Kids with cancer get futuristic chance at saving fertility

CHICAGO – Barely 2 years old, Talia Pisano is getting tough treatment for kidney cancer that spread to her brain. She’s also getting a chance at having babies of her own someday. ...