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U.S. preschoolers less pudgy in latest sign of falling obesity

CHICAGO – Preschoolers on government food aid have grown a little less pudgy, a U.S. study found, offering fresh evidence that previous signs of declining obesity rates weren’t a fluke. ...

Sleeping with the TV on may make you gain weight

CHICAGO – Dozing off to late-night TV or sleeping with other lights on may mix up your metabolism and lead to weight gain and even obesity, provocative but preliminary U.S. research suggests...

Deaths from falls among older Americans are on the rise

CHICAGO – New research shows fatal falls have nearly tripled in older Americans in recent years, rising to more than 25,000 deaths yearly. The findings highlight the importance of...

Deaths from brain, heart problems higher for NFL than MLB

CHICAGO – Pro football players may be more likely to die from degenerative brain diseases and heart problems than baseball players but the reasons are unclear, a new study suggests. ...

Study: Kids’ suicides spiked after Netflix’s ‘13 Reasons’

Suicides among U.S. kids aged 10 to 17 jumped to a 19-year high in the month after the release of a popular TV series that depicted a girl ending her life, researchers said. The s...

Are eggs good or bad for you? New research rekindles debate

The latest U.S. research on eggs won’t go over easy for those who can’t eat breakfast without them. Adults who ate about 1½ eggs daily had a slightly higher risk of heart disease ...

U.S. medical marketing reaches $30 billion; drug ads top surge

Ads for prescription drugs appeared 5 million times in just one year, capping a recent surge in U.S. medical marketing, a new analysis found. The advertisements for various medici...

Detecting depression: Phone apps could monitor teen angst

Rising suicide rates and depression in U.S. teens and young adults have prompted researchers to ask a provocative question: Could the same devices that some people blame for contributing to ...

Child abuse climbs after Friday report cards, study says

Child abuse increases the day after school report cards are released – but only when kids get their grades on a Friday, a study in Florida suggests. The curious finding startled r...

Don’t spank: Pediatricians warn parents of long-term harms

The nation’s leading pediatricians’ group has strengthened its advice against spanking and other physical punishment because of the potential for long-term harm. In an updated pol...

Trippy depression treatment? Hopes and hype for ketamine

CHICAGO – It was launched decades ago as an anesthetic for animals and people, became a potent battlefield pain reliever in Vietnam and morphed into the trippy club drug Special K. ...

Guns send over 8,000 U.S. kids to ER each year, analysis says

Gun injuries, including many from assaults, sent 75,000 U.S. children and teens to emergency rooms over nine years at a cost of almost $3 billion, a first-of-its-kind study found. ...