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Drones carrying defibrillators could aid heart emergencies

CHICAGO – It sounds futuristic: drones carrying heart defibrillators swooping in to help bystanders revive people stricken by cardiac arrest. Researchers tested the idea and found...

Sweet sizzlin’ beans! Fancy names may boost healthy dining

CHICAGO – Researchers tried a big serving of food psychology and a dollop of trickery to get diners to eat their vegetables. And it worked. Veggies given names like “zesty ginger-...

Drones carrying defibrillators could aid heart emergencies

Study shows much quicker response than ambulances

Side effects emerge after approval for many U.S. drugs

CHICAGO – Almost one-third of new drugs approved by U.S. regulators over a decade ended up years later with warnings about unexpected, sometimes life-threatening side effects or complication...

Rookie doctors can work longer, 24-hour shifts under new rules

CHICAGO – Rookie doctors can work up to 24 hours straight under new work limits taking effect this summer – a move supporters say will enhance training and foes maintain will do just the opp...

Doctors warn against teen pot use amid looser marijuana laws

CHICAGO – An influential doctors group is beefing up warnings about marijuana’s potential harms for teens amid increasingly lax laws and attitudes on pot use. Many parents use the...

Teen suicide attempts fell as same-sex marriage became legal

CHICAGO – Teen suicide attempts in the U.S. declined after same-sex marriage became legal and the biggest impact was among gay, lesbian and bisexual kids, a study found. The resea...

Games, crafts, other activities may safeguard aging brain

CHICAGO — Even in your 70s and beyond, simple activities including web-surfing, playing bridge and socializing can stave off mental decline, new research says. Benefits were great...

Cancer death rates up in some areas

Medical advances aren’t helping all Americans

1 in 4 U.S. men have cancer-linked HPV genital infections

CHICAGO – The first national estimate suggests that nearly half of U.S. men have genital infections caused by a sexually transmitted virus and that 1 in 4 has strains linked with several can...

One-fourth of U.S. cancer deaths linked to smoking

CHICAGO – Cigarettes contribute to more than 1 in 4 cancer deaths in the U.S. The rate is highest among men in Southern states where smoking is more common and tobacco control policies are l...

Crowdsourcing effort takes aim at deadliest breast cancers

CHICAGO – Forget the pink ribbons. Spitting in a tube for science is what unites a growing group of breast cancer patients taking part in a unique project to advance treatment for the deadli...