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One-fourth of U.S. cancer deaths linked to smoking

CHICAGO – Cigarettes contribute to more than 1 in 4 cancer deaths in the U.S. The rate is highest among men in Southern states where smoking is more common and tobacco control policies are l...

Crowdsourcing effort takes aim at deadliest breast cancers

CHICAGO – Forget the pink ribbons. Spitting in a tube for science is what unites a growing group of breast cancer patients taking part in a unique project to advance treatment for the deadli...

Surge in ER visits for injuries, concussions from soccer

CHICAGO – Soccer injuries are sending soaring numbers of U.S. kids to emergency rooms, a trend driven in part by young players with concussions seeking urgent medical care, a study has found...

Fists not football: Brain injuries seen in domestic assaults

Injuries leave some survivors so impaired that they can’t manage their jobs and lives

Trampoline park injuries jump

CHICAGO – Trampoline park injuries have soared as the indoor jumping trend has spread. That’s according to a study that shows annual U.S. emergency room visits jumped 12-fold for ...

Can house dust explain why Amish protected from asthma?

CHICAGO – Forget Fluffy and Fido. Bessie the cow just might make a healthier pet. That idea stems from new research in two farming-based religious communities that shun modern way...

Severe birth defects not as lethal as doctors once said

CHICAGO – Parents of newborns with rare genetic conditions used to hear the grim words that the severe birth defects were “incompatible with life.” Support groups and social media showing th...

1 free meal from drug company can sway doctors’ prescribing

CHICAGO – As little as one free meal from a drug company can influence which medicines doctors prescribe for Medicare patients, according to a study using Medicare records and recently relea...

Would teens be slimmer if stars hawked kale and quinoa?

CHICAGO – Would U.S. teens be any slimmer if Katy Perry hawked kale and quinoa? New research doesn’t prove a link, but its authors think music stars popular with teens may be cont...

Almost half of heart attacks are silent, risky

CHICAGO – Almost half of all heart attacks cause no obvious symptoms, yet they can still be life-threatening, according to research on more than 9,000 middle-aged men and women. I...

Playground concussions are on the rise

CHICAGO – Playground concussions are on the rise, according to a new government study, and monkey bars and swings are most often involved. Most injuries studied were mild, but all...

Blood test for concussions? Researchers report some progress

CHICAGO – New research bolsters evidence that a simple blood test may someday be used to detect concussions. It suggests that a protein linked with head trauma may be present in b...