Luke Perkins
Position: Staff reporter

La Plata County collected nearly $650K in 2016 for housing inmates from neighboring counties

DENVER – Some Colorado counties are paying the price for housing prisoners across county lines, while others are reaping the benefits. Archuleta County spent $200,000 housing inma...

Colorado governor, policy experts applaud defeat of health care repeal

‘Skinny repeal’ would have had dire implications, officials say

Durango, state LGBT advocacy groups and lawmakers respond to Trump’s tweets

Call barring transgender Americans from military counter productive and ‘anti-American’

Colorado lawmakers eye changes to conservation easement program

Program trying to rebound from December audit that found multiple issues

Colorado health exchange making strides toward self-sustainability, audit says

Future of program uncertain as U.S. lawmakers work on health reform

Audit finds Great Outdoors Colorado may have awarded $45 million in grants to ineligible organizations

Committee also says Colorado Parks and Wildlife is not optimizing funding it receives

Q&A: Who can request voter information and what does it contain

Anyone can ask, but limits exist on what’s provided

Lawmakers eyeing ways to bring school funding into the 21st century

Finance committee will evaluate current funding formula and propose changes over next two years

Protest of Betsy DeVos reignites debate on school choice

Critics feel state is giving tax money to ‘unaccountable’ charter schools

Governors call for non-partisan approach on health care system

They ask to be involved in drafting of new legislation

Colorado measure would make law free access to public lands for fourth-graders

Program has served millions since 2015

Rural Colorado counties spending hundreds of thousands on jail overflow

Archuleta County expects costs will top $250,000 in 2017