Martha McClellan
Position: Authentic Aging

Devastating fire drives home the impermanence of things

Barn’s burnt down – Now I can see the moon. – Mizuta Masahide My daughter-in-law’s parents’ house burned to the ground during the recent fires in ...

As we age, crossing lines with grace and even joy

There we were, in the Rio Grande Gorge watching the eclipse, the solar flares and being in the quiet stillness of the moment. “Do you hear the canyon wren?” she says. In that lif...

In death, Verlena showed us how to live a rich life

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Verlena Collentine, 2017 Reflecting on Verlena’s life for the last time publicly, I particularly note two things, aside...

The autumn of Verlena’s life

Editor’s note: This column was written before Verlena Collentine’s death Aug. 16 from ovarian cancer. It is the third of a four-part series on her life and death. The first two articles ...

This summer, this moment in time for Verlena

I caught up with Verlena Collentine recently to check in and see how she’s doing. She is the woman who has terminal ovarian cancer and has stopped all medical intervention as of ...

Wisdom is one of few things that doesn’t diminish with age

One advantage of getting old (besides senior discounts) is that we are supposed to be wise, at least wiser than in our younger years. After all the experiences, ups and downs, ac...

I’m making decisions about disposing of my corpse

She called it a cemetery crawl. We were to drive to all the cemeteries in the area and decide where we wanted to be buried. Both of us are interested in green burial, burial into...

Nearing the end, how do we look back on our lives?

At an 80th birthday party recently, we asked the birthday girl how she felt about being 80. She took a moment, then offered, “I feel like I’ve accomplished what I came into this ...

Living situations can be as diverse as we are

It’s fascinating and helpful to learn how and where other elders are living as we move into these later years. The choices and decisions many have already made are as varied, creative and in...

Elders share wisdom, experience with activists

No longer can I avoid writing about what’s happening politically, environmentally, socially and legally right now. The momentum is so fast, it’s like a fireball gathering more an...

How do we answer the risk vs. safety question?

Shall I climb up that ladder to hang the bird feeder? I really want more birds to visit this winter, but I’m not sure about the ladder ... Crash! Bang! Boom! 911! Casts and doctors and three...

From wisdom to gratitude, aging has positive aspects

It was a couple of days after the election, and I ran into a friend walking on the river trail. Being disappointed in the election outcome, we said things like, “I’ve been here before,” “I f...